Desinc. Fumigaciones
El camino a la solución de las plagas
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How to get rid of cockroaches effectively
We are so used to living with them that sometimes it is difficult for us to imagine how it is possible not to. And this happens not only to us, but to many people around the world.
The cockroach has peculiar characteristics that make it one of the most resistant species on the planet:
they are large and prey on other species of insects,
have the ability to inhabit any space,
they feed on almost anything,
some species are able to stay active for a month without feeding,
resist extreme temperatures,
some can live without air for 45 minutes,
their respiratory structure allows them to live and breathe without a head,
their life expectancy is around a year, and
its reproduction rate is 40 individuals every 3 months.
Regarding the latter, it should be noted that females have the capacity to produce up to 8 ootheca throughout its life, increasing the value up to 300 individuals in optimal conditions.
All this seems to realize that there is no solution to our problem, but it turns out that some of its strongest features can be its downfall, if we know how to use them.
The largest species - the Periplaneta Americana , the Periplaneta Australasia , and the Blattella Orientalis - They inhabit areas of extreme humidity where they can feed on decomposing matter and other smaller insects. They are not in the habit of infesting kitchens, although they do so at ease if conditions are favorable to ensure the well-being of the next generation.
Periplaneta Americana
This is why they occupy sewers or logs, looking for a suitable place to breed, feed and subsist. The problem is that both humans and cockroaches inhabit the same spaces. In some way or another we are connected and that results in yelling, jumping, and flip-flops throughout the house. Something that can be fun while we are with the family, but that can be uncomfortable if we have visitors, or annoying during dinner.
Blatta orientalis
The culprit of our true satiety is the Germanic Blattella , the classic kitchen cockroach. The one that is when you open the cupboard door or in the light tube that is underneath, in the hinges of the under counter, in the kitchen burners, in the microwave screen, in the refrigerator motor, or even inside her, on the door phone ... and she could name at least 10 more places.
There are everywhere, many, and of all sizes. You have probably seen those white cockroaches, which we mistakenly call albinos. Their appearance is such because they are in a stage of their metamorphosis in which they have just become adults, changing their epidermis. They eat literally everything, and
Blattella Germanica
fundamentally what we forget on the kitchen counter, impregnating its filth during the night in a huge frenzy.
There are cases in which practically new appliances had to be discarded due to the action of cockroaches. They eat cables inside computers and water or gas lines in refrigerators. In short, they are the plague par excellence.
Now, going back to what was mentioned at the beginning, they can be fought . There is a way and that is to cut their chain of reproduction by attacking adult individuals. I'll explain how to achieve it in a moment. At the same time, the objective is to cut the metamorphosis process, which implies preventing them from reaching the adult stage of maturity and acquiring the ability to reproduce.
Thermal fogging. Only suitable for closed spaces, industrial areas, and large public spaces.
The truth is that safety regulations - imposed by me - prevent the use of poisons potentially harmful to cockroaches in devastating proportions that allow the destabilization of the colony in a matter of hours.
You can't, it's very dangerous.
Not only for the members of the place, but also for the applicators, and even neighbors. Not to mention the contamination to the environment, which is a very important aspect to take into account. That is why i have settled down
The cockroach and public health
A 2005 American study of the predisposing factors for asthma in city children showed that allergens from cockroaches appear to worsen asthma symptoms more than other known factors. Their excrements and parts of their body can contain a high number of allergens that in sensitive people can cause hives, clogs or severe tearing.
They are considered one of the main vectors of disease transmission in humans through contamination of food and kitchen utensils by simple contact.
Procedures that can be applied in domestic environments, taking into account everything that a home, a shop, or an office means, and at the same time that they achieve the objectives set out in the previous paragraph.
The cockroach has a ghoulish eating habit, which means a diet based on lifeless organisms. Eating another member of the colony does not seem to cause them remorse, so this is a peculiar characteristic that can be used against them: a cockroach dies from the action of the poison, and another eats its poisoned corpse, thus generating a new death.
This is only possible with the combination of two products, one that kills the cockroach on contact, and the other for ingestion that has a delayed action. The second poison continues to maintain its properties after the death of the cockroach, which means that it is effective when it is food for another individual. The most interesting thing is that these properties are preserved even after several intakes, thus generating a domino effect within the colony.
Cockroaches - except for Orientalis - are photophobic , making them essentially nocturnal insects that run from light when exposed.
On the other hand, research has concluded that cockroaches tend to follow the group based on chemical compounds present in their excrement to know where to hide, and where to feed.
Other studies have revealed that peppermint is associated with sugar.
Using these peculiar characteristics - again -, we can use them to group them in the poisoned sector and thus obtain a better result.
This brings us to an important point to understand.
After starting the treatment, you will see many more than you saw previously, and it is not that the product does not work, or that it does not kill them, or that there are more than before. But due to the action of the poisons, they are all appearing, this being very similar to the effect of kicking a hornet's nest.
The battle against cockroaches can be expressed as the number of individuals that die versus the number of individuals that are born.
Depending on the degree of infestation, it will be the time it takes for the mortality number to be higher. From that moment and only from that moment, the results will begin to be favorable and we will find ourselves on the final stretch to the point where they no longer coexist in our home.
Treatment consists, therefore, of patience and good practices for the destabilization of the colony.
Aspects of the service
Application frequency
You should be aware that in most cases, where there are dozens of cockroaches clustered in each sector, spraying must be done every 15 days in order to directly hit their reproductive capacity.
In order to estimate the approximate size of the colony, thus determining the frequency of application and the possible duration of treatment, try to describe as accurately as possible what the situation is at home, answering the following questions as a guide:
Do you see them every time you open a cabinet door?
Do you see them inside the refrigerator or some other appliance?
How long has it been since you started feeling overwhelmed?
Do you have wooden structures in your home? As they are?
Is your home's electrical system old?
Additionally, for commercial establishments the following questions are included.
Do you produce ready-to-eat food? Which?
Is the raw material being compromised? What extent?
Are the production areas affected? How?
Maintenance service
In order to avoid new infestations, it is necessary to adopt practices that make it difficult for cockroaches to install. Among all the measures that can be included, the maintenance service is the most effective because individuals are immediately reached when leaving grates and sewers, or when passing through the home after having entered through multiple routes, such as For example, in purchased products.
As a special offer, a 20% discount will be applied on the value of the maintenance service, valid only at the end of the treatment.
Keep in mind that the value of the maintenance service is different from the price calculated for the performance of this specific treatment. To consult their values and characteristics, visit the section prices .
Final provisions
I understand the need to get rid of this plague, translated into greater hygiene, tranquility and health. That is why I strive to provide the best service, explaining in detail how it works and creating mechanisms so that treatments can start and end successfully.
We are once again going through a difficult stage, so I have decided to accompany the needs of each home and company, allowing them to access a quality service at an acceptable cost.
I am at your disposal.
Without further ado, respectfully
Ezequiel Constante, founder of Constant Fumigations & Pest Control.